Safety against Dog Attacks: Ways to Prevent Attacks on Your Person

Dogs have a strong instinct to protect the space they call home. A dog's home and yard are the territory they associate most strongly with their owner. A dog will treat a car as an extension of its territory if it is in it.

When a dog feels threatened on its territory, it is more likely to attack. U.S. Humane Society advice on preventing dog attacks:
You should never pet a strange dog, especially if it is tethered or confined in some way (behind a fence, in a car, etc.).

Always make sure the dog's owner is around before approaching a dog that is with them.
Petting a dog without first letting him see and smell you is bad manners, even if it's your own.

You should never run away from a dog while facing it. Dogs are naturally inclined to pursue and capture prey.

Dogs should not be bothered when they are resting, eating, chewing, or caring for their young.

Protect yourself from strange canines. A dog that doesn't recognise you may treat you like an intruder or a threat unless you prove them otherwise.


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Keep your hands at your sides and don't move if a dog comes up to you and you're afraid it might attack. You shouldn't yell or flee. If you don't want to challenge the dog, gaze away from its face and towards its paws instead.

In doing so, you hope the dog will assess your threat level and conclude that you're okay to approach.

As soon as the dog stops looking at you, begin backing away gradually.

If the dog does attack, shield yourself with whatever you can find: a bike, a jacket, gloves, a backpack, a purse, a cane, etc.

Curl up into a ball, place your hands over your ears, and stay still if you or the dog are knocked to the ground. Don't yell or roll your eyes. To get the dog stop caring about you is the goal. 

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Dogs that are fighting should never be separated.

Childhood dog safety

Preschoolers need specific training in how to interact with dogs safely. Kids can be taught all of the following safety measures. They can also be taught that dogs are easily startled and that it is best to be quiet and move carefully while near one.

How to approach a dog safely, including approaching carefully, making eye contact with the dog, and providing an outstretched hand for the dog to sniff. The lesson for kids is simple: treat all dogs with respect, including the ones they don't know. Read also: Using an Electric Dog Training Collar to Train the Recall

In order to help children learn to understand their dog's body language, the Humane Society provides the following guidelines for parents. One of the best ways to avoid getting bit by a dog is to learn to read its body language.

Animals' body language can reveal their emotions to humans, therefore it's important to teach kids that. Never approach a dog that seems furious or scared because she is more likely to bite. Some of the warning indicators are:

The ears of an angry dog may stand up, the fur on her back may stand on point, and her tail may be held high (it may be wagging). She may snarl and display her teeth at anyone is coming toward her.

A scared dog exhibits unusual behaviour, such as hunkering down, tucking its tail between its legs, and flattening its ears.

The American Veterinary Medical Association suggests that parents begin training their children about proper interaction with dogs at a young age. A young child should already know not to approach unknown dogs and to be kind and respectful toward their own pet. Read also: Treatment and Prevention of Dog Separation Anxiety

It is especially dangerous to leave a baby or young child alone with a dog, as children are the most common victims of dog bites.

In the event of a dog bite or dog attack, it is crucial that an inquiry be conducted as soon as possible. Many dog owners just cannot afford to repair the harm their pet has caused.

An experienced attorney will investigate the incident to find out who is at fault for keeping the dog.

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured as the result of a dog attack, you may want to speak with a personal injury attorney who has experience in dog attack cases. A lawyer could help you file a lawsuit for damages after an attack to cover medical bills and suffering.