The use of a clicker has been shown to be one of the simplest and most effective ways to influence your dog's behaviour and train them to respond to your orders, regardless of the breed of terrier you have.
Using a clicker to train a terrier dog is a skill that can be picked up and mastered quickly. The proper use of a clicker will reveal how easy it is to train your terrier to obey any command you give it.
I'm going to tell you how to use a clicker efficiently without having to pay the $20-$75 that some trainers charge for a single session course.
How Clicker Training Works for Dogs
The basic idea behind using a clicker is to train your terrier dog to associate the clicker's sound with a certain command.
You should be able to hear a competent clicker from at least 25 yards away, and it shouldn't cost more than a few bucks. Our goal is to teach the dog to associate a specific action with the click of a clicker and a subsequent reward.
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You should acquire a bag of treats you know your dog really enjoys before beginning your first few clicker training sessions. We'll show your terrier that when they hear the clicker, they get a tasty treat.
Remember, in the outset, that the clicker is only to be used to reward your terrier for good behaviour.
The clicker will only be used to signal to your dog that it will soon receive a reward. It's possible that your dog won't know what to make of a click if you use it erratically; instead, let's focus on establishing a firm relationship right off the off. Read also: Using an Electric Dog Training Collar to Train the Recall
A Clicker Training Guide for Your Terrier
When using clicker training, it's important to remember these guidelines. Think of a few things you'd like your terrier to learn, and we'll help him or her pick them up quickly and easily.
Behaviors could be anything from trickery to something the owner specifically asks for. Basics like rolling over, sitting down, shaking hands, and remaining still are all terrific places to start. Click once or twice (quickly) when they've completed the task, then reward them with a goodie.
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Consider the case where you need your dog to sit. To get them to sit, press gently on their behinds, wait a few seconds, click your clicker once or twice, wait a few more seconds, and then reward them with a treat. If they disobey, don't reward them with treats or clicks on the clicker.
In the course of clicker training your terrier, you will notice that it takes just two to four clicks for the dog to make the connection between the clicker, the reward, and the desired behaviour. After a few unsuccessful efforts, your terrier will pay more attention to you.
Because of their rapid reactions, dogs respond well to clicker training, and they pick up on desirable behaviours quickly. It will take some time, but eventually they can be taught to follow verbal instructions.
Repeat the activity several times after your terrier has successfully completed the behaviour you wanted and received the reward to reinforce the behaviour. Don't feel like you have to give them treats every time as a reward. Alternately, you might praise and pet them as a reward.
When it comes to getting people to do what you want them to, the clicker isn't the only tool in your toolbox.
Once your terrier has learnt the behaviour reliably, terrier dog training will transition to a verbal command that may be used in any setting, even without a clicker.
Here's how it works: first, you issue a command, then you press your clicker, and last, you reward the animal. Your dog will quickly pick up on the pattern and make the connection between the three items after a few repetitions.
Your terrier will eventually pick up on verbal cues and respond positively to being petted and praised. Now that your terrier understands that following spoken commands results in positive reinforcement, you may gradually wean them off of treats. They will be happy if you are.
When your terrier has mastered the fundamentals, you may take them to the next level by teaching them new and challenging tricks. Read also: Understanding Your Dog's Emotions for a Better Bathing Experience
Just be patient and you will soon be an expert at both terrier dog training and clicker training. By using the clicker, you may teach your dog to obey any command.