There is always noise when there are dogs around. Barking is often a cute and entertaining activity for dogs, but it can become a major disruption for families and neighbors when it gets out of hand. Dogs can bark for many different causes, including boredom, excitement at the sight of other animals or people, or even hunger.
When your dog's barking becomes excessive, the first thing to do is figure out why he or she is barking so much.
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A dog that gets plenty of activity is more inclined to nap when you're not around. Keeping your dog active and socialized through daily walks and other forms of playtime can be very beneficial.
Instead of letting undesirable behaviours spiral out of control, you may prevent this by engaging your dog in positive training exercises. A wide variety of commands, including as "sit," "come," "fetch," and "heel," can be taught to a dog during training.
Hugs, pets, praise, and rewards should be given whenever your dog obeys an order. But watch out that the training doesn't get stale and dull.
If your dog spends most of its time in the backyard, it may benefit from "social exercising." Take your dog on walks throughout the neighbourhood so she can become accustomed to the sights, sounds, and scents outside, rather than just those in the backyard. Bring her into the house and have her participate in family activities when you're there.
Until your dog has refined her barking behaviours, keeping her in a location that will create reduced barking interests, closing drapes to eliminate outside attractions out of sight, and providing an area away from street noises can assist.
Leave the radio on if your dog is inside the house while you are out. Disconnecting phones and doorbells that could potentially trigger a barking episode is a good idea.
When a barking session begins, you can sometimes silence it with a thunderous, extremely loud, "STOP BARKING!" Most dogs would be completely taken aback by such an outpouring from you; they may even be so amazed that they cease barking. Useful tools include the water gun.
To quiet a barking dog, try giving it a jolt with a splash of water in the face. The excessive barking should be rewarded as soon as your dog ceases it.
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Do not anticipate your dog's barking to suddenly stop if it is a habit for him. Teaching and reinforcement can help people stop bad habits, but it may take a while. Building a new, more desirable habit while breaking the old, more unwanted one is the target.
Using fear or force to silence your dog is never an option. You will only succeed in making your dog fearful of you if you resort to physical punishment. Never use physical punishment to train a living thing!
There are barking-control collars you can use in addition to working with your dog one-on-one to overcome her barking behaviour. Electronic, ultrasonic, and scent collars are the three primary varieties.
Barking vibrations from a dog's voice chords activate an electronic collar. The term "shock collar" is often used to describe this style of neckwear. When your dog barks, she'll get a jolt of electricity. The collar is meant to be more of an annoyance than anything else, and it is sold as such. Read also: Dog
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Shocks can be delivered on a sliding scale from moderate to severe. In my opinion, this is probably cruel. The dog could become aggressive toward the collar and damage itself, or it could develop scared of a natural activity and withdraw from normal behaviour. You shouldn't silence your dog completely because of its barking.
Barking also sets off the citronella anti-bark collar. The dog's collar emits a cloud of citronella fragrance right in front of the animal's nose.
Dogs won't get sick from breathing in citronella, and the hissing sound will certainly grab their attention even if they don't mind the smell. According to research, citronella barking collars are twice as efficient as other collars at stopping nuisance barking.
One sort of training collar is an ultrasonic collar, which sends out sound waves that canine ears can pick up but humans cannot. Dogs usually catch on fast that barking triggers the annoying buzzing sound, and that when they stop barking, the sound goes away. Safe for use in both quiet and loud settings. No outside dog barking will set off the device.
Debarking surgery may be an option if behavioural modification strategies like training and collars fail. This won't stop your dog from barking, but it will dampen the sound and keep it from travelling far. Read also: Understanding Your Dog's Emotions for a Better Bathing Experience
The need for barking in debarked dogs appears to be unaffected, and the dogs' personalities are unaltered. Debarking, however, should not be done out of laziness; rather, it should be done only when all other options have been exhausted.