Knowledge of canine behavior and psychology is essential for effective obedience training. Common blunders made by humans when training dogs. We didn't mean to do that.
Many dog owners make mistakes without even realizing it, either because they were given incorrect information, because they read or heard about it elsewhere, or because they observed their parents' practices with the family dog.
Frustration mounts when dogs of any age consistently disobey their owners' commands, whether it's a puppy having "small accidents" in the house or an adult dog being overly nice to others.
There are some common blunders that can be made during obedience training that, if avoided, would make the experience much more positive for both owner and dog.
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Method1: "punishment" occurs when the dog responds to your call and comes to you.
Once your dog has finished having fun at the park and has listened to your call, you put him on a leash and take him home as a treat for his good behaviour. Can you really be surprised when Fido hesitates to come when you call him?
To prevent this from happening, it's a good idea to call your dog over to you from time to time while he's playing, give him some praise or a treat, and then send him back to his game. If you do this on a regular basis, your dog will learn to come immediately when you call him, and he won't worry that the game will be over soon.
Method 2: Having your dog sniff around in his waste as you try to train him to use the bathroom outside.
The dog's misdeeds aren't really the reason for your anger; rather, it's the fact that they were committed in the incorrect location. Your dog will only become more perplexed if you rub his nose in it or hit him with a rolled-up magazine.
Because of this, your dog may urinate or defecate behind furniture or in some other hard-to-find location. To avoid your reaction, your dog may resort to coprophagia and drink his own urine. Read also: Treatment and Prevention of Dog Separation Anxiety
Do not scold a dog for eliminating in an inappropriate location after the fact. Only by correcting the dog when it is actually doing something wrong will it learn from the experience.
Hitting the dog won't make it go away any faster, so just say NO! or OUT! and boot it outside. It's crucial that you stick around outside with the dog and shower him with praise once he's done.
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Method3: Not correcting undesirable actions like jumping, gnawing, or snarling.
Unfortunately, many owners believe their dog will outgrow this undesirable behaviour, or worse, they do not even recognise it as a problem and instead dismiss it as merely a typical stage in their dog's development.
Rather than being cute puppy antics, jumping up on people, chewing on furniture, and bared teeth are all signs of a dog with behavioural issues that need to be addressed. Reward your dog for behaving appropriately in social settings to teach him that this is the right way to act.
Method4: The fourth is submission to your dog.
Maintaining authority is essential. The most crucial part of training a dog to obey is for the trainer to take charge. Though it may rub some liberals the wrong way, the connection between a dog and its owner is never a fair one.
To have any success with your dog, you must be the alpha. When a dog knows his role in the group, he's much happier. Read also: Understanding Your Dog's Emotions for a Better Bathing Experience
If you mess this wrong, at best you'll have a tense connection with your pet, and at worst you'll have a dangerous animal that you have no control over because of its sharp fangs. Making your dog sit before you give him his food is a simple routine to establish from the get-go.
You've officially established yourself as the alpha dog in his eyes. Many different methods exist to make a dog behave in a submissive manner. Teaching these concepts at a young age is crucial.
Method5: Bringing Fido inside the home right after he's finished his business in the bathroom.
It's snowing and chilly outside, yet your dog is taking an interminable amount of time deciding where on earth he should go potty. All the while, you're feeling chillier and more irritated. This is in part just how dogs are.
As he explores his environment, he picks up on fragrances, and those discoveries influence not only where he goes to the bathroom, but also serve as a form of territorial marking. But if he knows that as soon as he's done, he'll be rushed back inside, he'll take his time doing it.
Canines certainly have a devious side, that's for sure. To solve this problem, one must adopt a stealthier attitude. If you want your dog to enjoy what he might otherwise view as a chore, show him that when he's done, he'll get a treat. That way, Fido will be able to go potty outside very instantly whenever you call him.
For successful dog training, a solid foundation must be laid from the very beginning. It can be challenging to alter established routines from the start.